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  • Kim Scalzo headshot
    Kim Scalzo

    Interim Senior Associate Provost, Digital innovation and Academic Services

  • Dan Feinberg headshot
    Dan Feinberg

    Interim Director, SUNY Online

  • Tony DeFranco headshot
    Tony DeFranco

    Director, SUNY OER Services

  • Maureen Clements headshot
    Maureen Clements

    Associate Director, SUNY Library Services 

Our Team

Meet the DIAS Leadership Team

About Us

Mission Statement

DIAS supports SUNY’s priorities of Student Success; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Research & Scholarship; and Economic Development & Upward Mobility by:

  • Providing leadership for the digital transformation of the SUNY student experience,
  • Aligning U-wide digital platforms in support of system-wide strategies for student success,
  • Collaborating with stakeholders across the System Office and with campuses to promote and facilitate change leadership in support of digital innovation, and
  • Establishing and delivering university-wide academic shared services to support digital platforms and digital innovation.
hand holding lightbulb


Online Programs


Online courses annually


Saved from Open Educational Resources


Saved from Shared Library Services and Subscriptopns


Awarded in Innovative Instruction Technology Grants

Digital Innovation and Academic Services

Digital Innovation and Academic Services

DIAS is the academic shared services unit within the Provost’s Office housing several university-wide programs and initiatives focused around the effective use of technology in education to promote innovations in teaching and learning. University-wide programs and initiatives include:

DIAS also provides oversight and coordination for the Faculty Advisory Council on Teaching and Technology (FACT2 Council).  FACT2 is an advisory body to the SUNY Provost, advocating and acting as a resource for university stakeholders at the nexus of technology, pedagogy and research.  DIAS collaborates with and serves in an advisory capacity to the SUNY Center for Professional Development housed in the Office of Student Success for the provision of professional development support for all DIAS and Provost Office initiatives.

DIAS collaborates with and provides support to a wide range of campus stakeholders that include teaching faculty, faculty governance (both UFS and FCCC), and campus leaders and campus staff engaged in Communities of Practice (CoPs) around the use of technology in education to promote innovations in teaching and learning.  CoPs with which the DIAS team engages on a regular basis include chief academic officers, chief information officers, teaching and learning center directors, directors of online learning, instructional designer, directors of continuing education, student support staff, librarians, and several CoPs for campus IT staff.

DIAS staff also work closely with other staff and teams across the Provost’s Office and System Administration to provide support from DIAS units for their initiatives, or to ensure coordination and minimize duplication of effort where there is overlap with DIAS initiatives, most notably the Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of Student Success, the office of the Chief Operations Officer, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the Office of Community Colleges and the Education Pipeline, the Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development, and the Office of Information Technology.