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Faculty Support for AI in Teaching & Learning

Below are recent engagement opportunities and activities our team has provided to support faculty in considering the implications of AI in teaching and learning.

FACT2 Guide to AI in Higher Education

These documents present information and solutions to educators across the spectrum of enthusiasm and adoption interests, empowering everyone to make educated decisions for themselves and their students regarding generative AI. 

Click to view the October 2023 edition.

Click to view the August 2024 edition.

FACT2 AI Webinar Series (Spring 2024)
  • Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence
  • Potential and Pitfalls of AI Use in the Classroom
  • Developing Syllabus Statements on AI Use
  • AI as an Assistant
  • AI Tools to Help You Build Your Course

Click here for series descriptions.

Click here for recordings playlist.

FACT2 AI Symposium (May 2024)
  • AI Basics
  • Course Policies, Syllabi
  • AI in Image Creation
  • Social Impacts of AI
  • Using AI for Productivity
  • AI and Data Analytics
  • AI and Writing

Click here for symposium information.

Click here for recordings playlist.

SUNY CPD AI Courses (Spring and Fall 2024)
  • Introduction to AI for Higher Education
  • Using AI Effectively in Teaching and Learning

Click here for session descriptions and registration information.